Solar Energy at Parikrma Jayangar School

We recently inaugurated a solar energy system at our Jayanagar School – supported and funded by the Selco Foundation and Wells Fargo.

Selco Foundation on the initiative:

“This is part of a larger project to “Energise Social Institutions”, where we have powered 13 institutions across Karnataka and Tamil Nadu that cater to marginalised individuals (residential schools, centres for differently-abled people, vulnerable women, rehabilitation and training centres).

– To ensure the reliability of energy for staff and residents/students

– To reduce future electricity bills so these institutions can use their limited resources on building their programmes

– To increase climate resilience and reduce CO2 emissions

At Parikrma, we believe that it’s essential to teach our children, share information about climate change and renewables, and set an example. We are thrilled to be driving a sustainable future and hope to include all our schools in the fold.